last update: 12/5/2024
“Another life is just a credit away.”
Live in Viareggio, Tuscany, Italy.
I'm a freelance coder and more. Usually I code ERP to manage production line, HR and logisti, I also collect and analyze data from these systems to identify areas for improvement and optimize efficiency. Sometime software on regatta managment and traking boat, from subscription to ranking, pass by performance analyses.
I love craft beer, I spend a lot of time to taste, study and talk about it (drink responsibly, drink local). Another Hobby is to keep update on tecnology, study new language to update or change my work. The last hobby is videogame, I like so much play inde game and retro, sometime I try to make some stupid game for personal use only.
- gdr OSR Campaign
- gdr Mage Campaign
- Moonlighter